Daddy Félix Mutchipayi

Daddy Félix Mutchipayi - Assistant Coordinator
Assistant Coordinator

Daddy Félix MUTCHIPAYI is a Tropical Regions agricultural engineer, specialized in the management of plantations and livestock in the plateaux of Kasai, Kwango-Kwilu and Ituri. He has developed extensive professional experience in the administration of development projects and humanitarian affairs. He also has a solid experience in the field of environmental protection, and in the promotion of good environmental practices in the farming and community sector.

Between 1995 to 1999 he was the Coordinator of the Integrated Projects of Agroforestry, Community Reforestation and Environmental Action in the Region of Grand Kasaï, in the centre of DR Congo, within the humanitarian programme for the socio-economic reintegration of the Kasaï communities, victims of ethnic cleansing driven back from Shaba, ex-Katanga (1993-1994).

As the Chairman of the Executive Committee, he led the ex-ante process of studies and environmental impact assessment in the framework of the implementation of the post-conflict Regional Programme to Support the Rehabilitation of Infrastructure, a programme executed by OXFAM with European Union funding.

During the same period he participated as an IEA (impact environmental analysis specialist) Consultant in an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment mission, on behalf of OXFAM and NOVIB, on the adverse effects of deforestation in Eastern DRC, and especially in the Virunga National Park (North Kivu).

From 200 to 2001 he worked as the Coordinator of USAID's Environmental Health Program (EHP), executed by the ACF-USA mission in the City of Kinshasa in DR Congo, focusing on hygiene education and promotion in high concentration public environments, water supply and sanitation, and the development of public latrines in markets.

For nearly ten years he has worked as an agronomist Focal Point in charge, under the guidance of World Bank experts, of monitoring the CGES, the environmental and social management framework - within the PNDDR, the national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme on the entire process of socio-economic reintegration of demobilized ex-combatants within their communities (either of origin or of their choice) and their return to civilian life.

As a civil society actor (ASSIAC) and an expert in agro-environment, he has actively participated in the formulation process, alongside Congolese legislators, of this GEF6 GLOBE project.

He is currently a Senior Administrator of the Consultancy Firm (MULTITECH SARL) in Kinshasa (DR Congo).


Kinshasa, 31 janvier 2020.
Profil actuel DF Mutchipayi

Contact information

2C, ave Babira Q/Yolo Sud C/Kalamu. Ville de Kinshasa
+243 999 981 124